Does your relationship feel more like a wrestling match than a tag team?

It’s time to get some REAL support. You want to be the best man you can be—whether it’s for your wife or girlfriend, your kids (yes, including your daughter), or anyone else who depends on you. Growing up with seven brothers taught me one key lesson: men often go silent, ignore the problem, and suffer in the end. That’s not okay.

If you’re sensing that something’s off in your relationship, you’re not alone. And no, you don’t always need therapy—you just need someone who gets it and can give you the inside scoop. That’s where I come in.

Introducing The Magic Man Collective

This is a FREE, men-only group designed to help you woo and charm your woman all over again—and work on yourself in the process.

Here’s what to expect in our monthly meetings:

A little love seat coaching, book giveaways, games, and good conversation with other men like you—plus light snacks to keep us going.

Why trust me? I’m bringing 30 years of experience as a psychotherapist and certified coach, plus a woman’s perspective and a fierce dedication to men’s mental health. With seven brothers of my own, I’ve got your back.

This is your SAFE space to get real answers and level up—for free. Don’t miss it. (If you think YouTube has all the answers, believe a woman can’t teach you anything, or your pride is too big to walk through the door, this isn’t for you.)

BTW: This is not THERAPY!


I can’t wait to see you at The Magic Man Collective—let’s make it happen.

It’s FREE – No Catfishing. No Upsells. No Tricks.