Working with men in a genuine, respectful,
and beautiful way has changed my life…


Counseling Degree

About to leave for CA for Master’s Degree


First International Trip

Mentored 10 high school youth on trip to Ghana



Moved from WI to GA for 20 years


Second International Trip

Ending temple tour with cousin an host family. Also learned about gender customs


Climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro

It took 3 days and I met a men’s’ life coach on the journey who encouraged my work


Opened Counseling Clinic

Served individuals & couples

2015 & 2017

Published Books

Wrote books for men and women to understand one another


Very First Workshop for Men

7 men attended to hear a panel of women’s answers to their burning questions about women


Company Training

Talks designed to close communication gaps between men and women


Enter The WOO Zone

Training through VIP or group coaching for men to decode women and master communication


Private Meeting Place

Offering virtual coaching, training and education

Want to know why I enjoy helping men…

With 7 brothers, I hear the locker room or heartbreak stories about struggles with women …

While I know a lot and have helped many, by being open to learning new skills and tweaking old ones, you can completely change how you experience your one beautiful life with your babe, honey, or love.

Take it from a professional, a woman, and a lover of people… it can definitely help you change it!

Suppose you’re eager to learn the steps, strategies, and shortcuts to help you fix relationship and communication problems to have her loyalty, respect, and appreciation. In that case, I’m eager to help you get there.

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